Friday, February 13, 2015

Me and my Beard...

I had remained a clean-shaven man for 16 year, irrespective of my fascination and interest in beards and bearded men. The primary reason to be clean shaven was my profession and to a certain extent my mother.

I still remember my childhood days where the only person I knew to have a beard was a dad of my school friend. He used to sport a French Beard in those days. Whenever I visited her place, I used to say to myself that one day I will be sporting a beard... (Meera Kumar this is with reference to your dad)

Finally a bright sunny day came out in my life where I was no longer working for someone, where no protocols had to be followed. I quit my job and decided to be an Entrepreneur. That same day i decided that now i am certainly going to sport a beard.

I takes a takes a lot of confidence to grow a full beard, as it becomes a facial feature that dominates and dramatically shifts people's reactions and perceptions of who you are.

Practically, i faced a lot of opposition from my family members. I don't think yet they approve on my beard. They tried a lot to convince me on my looks after keeping the beard. But, was determined and you can say stubborn on my decision.

Keeping a Full beard is a pretty tough decision... and not everyone can grow a full beard. You fight against people and their attitudes. I’m very proud of my beard and glad that I made the decision to grow my beard. Growing a full beard has added a different dimension to my being. I don’t feel I am the same man. I feel I am a better man. That's not necessarily because of the way my beard looks, but because of the pride I feel. It's an ego trip. I loved being the only person in my family with a beard.

I love it. I love the sense of it, the feel of it and the depth, dimension, style and symmetry it adds to my face. Without going too far into the personal or sensual aspects of having grown a full beard, it's enough to say that it seems to have "completed" me as both an adult and a man. I am more confident and content. I guess that there's an element of self being described here as well, in that I feel that my face now reflects the person within.

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