Saturday, February 7, 2015

Letter to my Daughter

My darling Vira,

It really know that you at this point don't know to read and write. But still today I write this to you. The reason I write this to you because I had a difficult life. Still it is difficult. I don’t want you to ever have to suffer the internal battles I did. I want the best life imaginable for you.

Daughter, I challenge you to...

Never be afraid to be too much: too different, too creative, too outspoken or too passionate. Go that extra mile. People will notice. Even if they don't, just go...
Live with Purpose...

Let your morals of our family guide your every action, never straying slightly from our tightly held values and beliefs...
Live with Integrity

Perform acts of kindness for others without expecting anything in return. Leave a 100% tip, make time for a day with your dad. Snow sympathy, care and concern for the poor and downtrodden in the society.
Live with Compassion...

Always be in a discomfort zone. Being discomfortable is a sign that you are pushing yourself towards greater limits and certainly would come out as a stronger person in the end. Stop waiting to be ready to take that next jump. Jump...
Live with Uncertainty...

Opinions differ, but respect opinions that differ from your own. And remember not to give away your power away by letting others dictate you and how you feel.
Live with humility...

I don't have, but i want your passport to be well-stamped. Travel on every chance you get. I am missing it, but i want you to experience it all. Try to take into your soul as much of beauty this fascinating world has to offer. Always remember this life is too short to stay in one place and remain stagnant.
Live with adventure…

Being lonely is nothing but just a state of mind not a relationship status. Never rely on anyone else for your happiness and sense of self-worth. Also don't shy away to accept the help of family and friends when truly needed.
Live with independence…

Always speak up for what you want and don't be afraid to show your skills and achievements. Believe in yourself and know your true value “I don’t know” might sound very easy reply, but, but it restricts only your limits of credibility. Always make a point that you make a lasting impression. Always know that the first impression is the last... Live with confidence…

Every inch of you belongs to you. Love yourself. And love yourself first. You youself, are far more worth than any of the society imposed ideals. You should never have to justify to others (or yourself) what you are.
Live with self-respect...

Above all and everything else, live your life on your own terms. Stop seeking anyone elses approval. Stop living in fear. Love yourself, unapologetically.

And always member to call me or your mom. We think only the best for you.

With Much Love,
Your very best friend ( and dad too)

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